Wednesday, August 31, 2016

I Decided To Give The Unconventional New Year A Try

I didn't get much sleep this morning. I got up over an hour earlier than usual. After finishing my second cup of coffee, I took Lobo's 1st Day of School photo. He's the only willing participant. Coco and Sophie just gave me THE if to say, "Don't even think about it." When that was done, I uploaded the photo, edited, added a caption, and posted to several social media sites including Our Bodacious Dog Mom Life Facebook page.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Jen Made Our Biscuits And They're Gorgeous!

Back in May, on the Bodacious Biscuit Love end of things, we made the decision to share our Bodacious Biscuit Love Peanut Butter Dog Treat Recipe. This recipe is the one we use for the biscuits we offer to the public and donate to local animal shelters and families in need. We tossed the idea around about sharing, but in the end, we wanted to give people a simple and inexpensive way to provide their fur-kids with homemade treats. Since then, we've added the recipes for our old flavors and, in the weeks ahead, we'll be creating more homemade dog treat recipes.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Random Rant: If I Want Your Opinion, I'll Ask For It

Yesterday we went to a friend's house to help out with housework and other stuff. One of the members of the household suffered an injury over a week ago. Since then, she's been in the hospital and rehab. About 20 minutes after we arrived, another woman arrived. She's a good friend of the family and has been a mentor to one of the members of the household. I had met her the day of the accident. I didn't exactly get warm vibes. In fact, when I called Lisa to let her know what had happened, I remember saying, "She made me feel like I wasn't wanted there."

Sunday, August 28, 2016

There Is No Back To School Stress Here

Back in the day, during my school years, the process of getting ready for the first day of school was nothing compared to what it is today. And yes, I'm old enough to say "back in the day" because I'm making reference to several decades ago. Anyway, my Mom would take me shopping for new back to school clothes. We also got a new backpack, a few folders, notebooks, pens, and pencils. That was it. There were no lists of mandatory school supplies, sports fees to pay, uniforms to buy, etc.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

I May Just Have To Alter The Rules A Bit?

This afternoon, while prepping homemade meals for our kids, the wrecking ball of reality hit me like a ton of bricks. The chicken breast and steak were cooking. The water for the brown rice was boiling. I had just finished dicing up fresh summer produce. Blueberries. Watermelon. Cucumbers. Strawberries. All homegrown. I was washing the cutting board. The wrecking ball hit when Lisa made a simple statement.

Friday, August 26, 2016

My Peace, Balance, And Solid Ground Is Right Here...

Earlier this week, I had to put my foot down with a local business I was helping out. And, with that, I distanced myself. I also corresponded with a family member who, for the most part, we have nothing to do with. Overall, it's been a challenging week. I let too much get to me. It teetered on the line of getting the best of me. That doesn't happen often, but when it does, I'm thrown off balance. I get quiet. I do too much thinking on the overnight and that carries into the morning hours when I try to sleep.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Some Pups Use Toy Boxes. Other's Don't.

A couple of days ago, I received a private message on Facebook about the DIY Toy Boxes we made back in June. It was a short and sweet message complimenting the finished product. The last sentence was in the form of a question and it made me giggle.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

8 Ways I Keep Up With The Housework So I Don't Lose My Sanity

Around here, housework is a never ending thing. Prior to starting this post, I tried to think of a time when 100% of the housework was done. You know, that moment where you sit down and exhale because the house is 100% cleaned, vacuumed, dusted, and there is nothing more to be done. After 15 minutes of rummaging through the housework files in my brain, I finally threw up my hands and said, "I've got nothing."

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

This Is My Life. I Own It. I Live It.

The other day I corresponded with someone I hadn't heard from in a long time via phone. After exchanging the obligatory time line of happenings since the last time we chatted, she asked me, "So, how is your exciting dog life going?" I italicized the word "exciting" for a reason. There was a change of tone when the word "exciting" escaped her mouth. This is a person who wasn't supportive when we adopted Coco. After adopting 2 more kids, well, you can only imagine. So, this noticeable tone wasn't accompanied with positive feel goods.

Monday, August 22, 2016

There's One More Month Left Of The Summer Season

Exactly one month from today, the summer season will officially be done. Over the weekend, Lisa cleared, cleaned, and straightened out the porch. We had a bunch of tomato and pepper plants that were done for the season. Only a few remain. Some of our potted summer plants were tossed as well. We're hanging onto the Salvias, but they're looking rather shabby at this point. The hummingbirds have been very active throughout the day. I'm guessing it's almost time for them to head south for the winter.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Want To Make A Gotcha Day Hat?

This year, I decided to make Gotcha Day Hats for the kids as their Gotcha Day approached. In June, I made Sophie's. Last week, I made one for Coco to celebrate his 4 year Gotcha Day anniversary. I had to make his a little bigger. In January, Lobo will get his. Of course, like with most everything that has to do with our kids, I post photos on my personal Facebook account and the Our Bodacious Dog Mom Life Facebook Page.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

For Those Who Asked, Here's The Recipe For My Homemade Pumpkin Cupcakes

I posted a photo of these cupcakes a little over 24 hours ago. I baked them on the overnight between Thursday and Friday. Homemade pumpkin cupcakes with fresh made cream cheese frosting. They were made for Coco's 4 year Gotcha Day Anniversary. Since then, a few people have asked for the recipe. Well, here it is.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Happy 4 Year Gotcha Day To Our Sweet Coco Bug!

Coco was a mess when we adopted him 4 years ago today. He was a year old and spent most of that year confined to a basement. He was terrified of crates and had very little trust for us humans. Coco was also very sick with Giardia, Sarcoptic mites/mange, a bacterial infection in his ears, skin allergies, and he was underweight.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

How Are Those New Year's Resolutions Going?

Towards the end of last week, I stumbled on a Facebook post that caught my attention. It was in the form of a question. "Does anyone actually remember their New Year's Resolution? How's it going, by the way?" My first reaction was, "Damn. We've already passed the first half of the year." Then, I thought, "Well, how IS it going?"

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Lobo Didn't Acknowledge My Existence For 2 Hours

Out of all of our kids, Lobo is the most sensitive, talkative, and he lets us know, through body language and sounds, what he wants and needs. This is largely due to his disabilities and not being able to keep up with his brother and sister. It's almost as if he fears he'll be left out or unheard. Although he's never left out and his needs and wants are always met, and than some, there's still a part of him that fears that won't always be the case.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

I Broke My Golden Rule

I don't buy or make anything pumpkin until summer is officially over. That's my golden rule. However, Friday is Coco's 4 year Gotcha Day Anniversary and he wants his favorite. Pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. So, this happened yesterday. Lisa purchased a can of pureed pumpkin. I'm having mixed feelings about this.

Monday, August 15, 2016

10 Things I Learned When Lisa Was On Vacation

Lisa went back to work today after a week off for vacation. This is the first time she's taken a week long vacation since our wedding in July of 2012. And, trust me, that vacation was no vacation. We were on the go, and out of state, for most of it. It was non-stop from the time she left work until the evening before we returned home.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

We Never Left Our Everyday Life Or Reality

What was I doing on the overnight between yesterday and today? This. I was watching this. Another storm. Here we go again. It eventually hit around 1:45. I don't like storms at night. Lisa and the kids were asleep. I sent a text to Lisa along with a photo. This is here. Right around the corner. I'm a little scared. She replied. Sophie was already shaking. She could hear the thunder. I dropped what I was doing and went into the bedroom. That's where we stayed until the storm was over. Thankfully, we didn't lose power.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

A Few Doubts And Boozy Fruit

Lisa's vacation is over. It's the weekend. At one point, or maybe several, I sat on the sofa or at my desk or at the kitchen table and just glared at whatever was in front of me. Where did the time go? What happened? Our plans were to have no plans and embrace the fine art of spontaneity. In other words, each day we were going to simply just do something. Out of the blue. Out of the ordinary. Maybe walk the beach after dinner. Grab an ice cream at 8 p.m. Attend a wedding party for a couple of hours that we had been invited to. Or, play Skee-Ball on vintage machines until we lost feeling in our right arm.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Happy Birthday To The Most Amazing Woman I Know

Today is Lisa's birthday and, as anticipated, we had to alter our plans. To back up a bit, on Wednesday we had rain all morning and through the afternoon. We needed the rain and neither one of us complained. In fact, we enjoyed a lazy, rainy day. Yesterday, or plans were to head to Olive Garden to enjoy a nice lunch and a few hours away from home. Had we been able to follow through with our plans, it would have marked the second time in a year and a half that we've eaten out at a restaurant. However, despite our plans to leave early and get to the restaurant by 11, that didn't exactly happen.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Random Rant: To Those Who Feel The Need To Guilt People Into Donating. You Kinda Suck.

A few days ago, on the overnight, I came across a Facebook post that really bothered me. This happens a lot. More so than I care to admit, however, some bother me more than others especially when it comes to animals, rescue groups, animal shelters, less than favorable pet parents, etc. This particular post was from an animal rights activist and founder of a local rescue group.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Summer Pie. Corn On The Cob. Brownie Sundaes.

It's midway through Lisa's vacation. How am I doing? One more sip. One more paragraph. Or two. A song or six. Sip. Another paragraph. Break out the rolling pin. A poof of flour. Dough. Roll. Poof! Pie crust. Floury hand prints on my shirt and skirt. What that translates to is I've got this. I'm officially done with my month-long freelance project. I'm celebrating with a glass or two (or more...) of wine. a bit o' music. I'm whipping up a summer pie. Brownie sundaes for dessert. A Criminal Minds marathon.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

I See You Haz A Breffast Sammich, Mommy...

Monday through Friday, Lisa gets up for work around 3:45 - 4:00 a.m. When she gets up, there's always a hot breakfast and coffee waiting for her. After she takes the kids out and feeds them breakfast, I crawl into bed. The kids join me. So does Lisa with her coffee and breakfast in tow. She gets herself situated and shares her breakfast with the kids. Once done, they get a cookie, I get tucked in, and the kids and I fall asleep. Lisa gets ready and leaves for work.

Monday, August 8, 2016

The Possibility Of No Skee-Ball Or Greasy Fried Dough

Today, I am spent. Sore. Tired. Yesterday we had friends over for dinner. I prepared a delicious spread of homemade Pico De Gallo made with all garden grown veggies. Hawaiian spread with assorted crackers. Maple barbecue pulled brisket sliders. Grilled Asian kebabs. Brown butter, rosemary popcorn. Fresh made Cuban Highballs (aka...Mojitos).

Sunday, August 7, 2016

I Was 20 Minutes Late Giving The Kids Their Snack...

We spent part of yesterday and today moving furniture out of the rooms and washing carpets. We don't just Spring clean around here. We Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall clean. This usually happens in January, April, July, and October. I've fallen behind on the Summer cleaning by almost a month. Better late than never, right?

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Lobo's Future Is So Bright, He Has To Wear Shades

Last night, Lisa went to a baseball game with some neighbor friends of ours. At the game, they handed out free sunglasses. This morning, before starting the Summer cleaning that was supposed to get done last night, we had a little fun. After the kids ate their breakfast, and Lisa enjoyed hers, we put Lobo on the table. He's the most photogenic of the bunch and usually doesn't mind apparel, costumes, or, as we discovered sunglasses.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Instead Of Doing Housework, I Ate Couscous And Watched Chick Flicks With The Kids

Lisa's vacation officially started today. The moment she woke up this morning, she was in vacation mode and started counting down the hours until it was time to leave work. The kids could tell something big, new, and different was about to happen. They were restless. Coco couldn't decide where he wanted to nap. Sophie was glued to my side the entire morning and afternoon. Lobo didn't drag any shoes to the pet pillows or beds. It's as if they knew once Mama got home, she'd be home for a while.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Double Carob Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookie Dog Treat Recipe

It's common knowledge that chocolate is toxic to dogs. It's a big, huge no-no. Lisa and I are not huge fans of chocolate, however, once in a while the mood strikes. I bake something decadently chocolate. During the making and baking process, I can feel the guilt set in because I know what I'm making isn't something we can share with our kids.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The Weather Pattern Is Changing For Next Week Which Means...

This week has been crazy. Very. Very. Crazy. I'm almost at the finish line of a month-long freelance project. Lisa is working on some time sensitive stuff at work. Two more days until she's officially on vacation. She'll be home with us for 9 whole days. Although I've put in every amount of effort to make sure I have some free time next week, I'm already anticipating that my best intentions, lack of sleep, and bulking up on the work stuff will crumble. It always does.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

This Summer Berry Crunch Pie Is One Of Our Favorites

'Tis the season for...fresh berries. We eat 'em plain and the kids love the berries in their raw fruit and veggie medley. However, fresh berries have a very short "fresh" life and when there's too many, I like to freeze them for homemade berry bread and use some to make a berry crunch pie. Aside from homemade pumpkin pie, this is our other favorite. And, it's both pup and human friendly. Our kids love getting nibbles of this fresh summer pie.

Monday, August 1, 2016

These Double Peanut Butter Cookies Are Human & Pup Approved

One of Lisa's favorite lunch pail snacks are my double peanut butter cookies. The kids are head over paws for them too. These cookies are the beyond-decadent-human version of our Bodacious Biscuit Love Peanut Butter Dog Treats.  Coco will take an entire cookie from my hand, jump on the bed, and gobble the entire bundle of scrumptious goodness within seconds. Sophie will twirl around in circles while wagging her tail. Lobo jumps up and down like a 3-legged Tigger. Lisa will grab a cookie from the cooling rack each time she passes through the kitchen.