Saturday, September 12, 2020

Our Big Bodacious Painting Project Will Be A Lot Different This Time Around


In May of 2018, Lisa took a vacation week so we could tackle our Big Bodacious Painting Project. Our goal was to get it all done within that week, but that didn't exactly happen. When Lisa went back to work, I continued to paint the rooms that we had not gotten to. 

We painted every single room in the home we rented.  We learned quite a bit during that week and beyond. 

In February, we bought a house. Our original plan was to move out of our existing home at the end of March. We wanted to get all of the painting done in our house before moving in. However, for reasons I won't mention, we moved 3 days after we closed on our house.

During the process of unpacking, we decided that we'd wait until the Fall to paint. We wanted to live in our home for a while before choosing colors. 

Well, that time has come. 

Last week, Lisa put in for a week off toward the middle of October so we could paint. We have a lot more to paint this time around than we did in May of 2018. Our house is a lot bigger than our apartment. 

One evening after tucking Lisa and the kids into bed, I thought about the week Lisa is taking off to paint. I thought about the week Lisa took off in May of 2018 to paint. It was a long week. It was a lot of work. More so, it wasn't much of a vacation. 

I didn't want Lisa's entire vacation to turn into a workcation as it had when we lived at our old home for almost 8 years. During that time, Lisa revolved her vacations around house and pet sitting, helping others with projects, our busy seasons with DIY projects that we sold, etc. 

Those days are done and over with.

Since moving, Lisa has taken 2 week-long vacations. The one in March, we spent a couple of days unpacking, but she got to enjoy the rest of her time doing what she wanted. The other week was about a month ago. She did what she wanted when she wanted. We built a DIY entertainment center and we had a lot of fun doing it. 

I want to continue that trend of Lisa's vacation being a week of relaxing and doing everything at her own pace. If we paint all of the rooms that need to be painted, that's not going to happen. 

I made the decision that I was going to start painting on Monday, September 21st. That will give me a month to get everything done before Lisa's vacation. 

That's my goal.

I presented the idea to Lisa earlier today. She resisted the idea at first. As I expected. I was persistent. Very. Very. Persistent. 

Lisa expressed that she likes to paint and she didn't want me doing all of that work by myself. I explained to her that yes, painting is fun because you're adding color and making changes. However, when you're cramming everything into a week, especially a vacation week, it's no longer fun. 

I reminded her what it was like back in May of 2018. It was so much work. We had to take everything off the walls, move the furniture and decor out of each room, paint, wait for it to dry, and then move everything back in. We did that for each room. 

I also reminded her that we were still painting the day before she went back to work and how exhausted she was. 

I presented my case well. 

Eventually, I told her that she had no choice. This was something I wanted to do. I'm going to take next week to finish up a few online projects I've been working on. That weekend I will meal prep for the following week. Then, on's time to paint.

Lisa hesitated before agreeing to this plan.

I know she's not completely on board. She doesn't want me doing that much work alone. But, I'm determined. 

No, it's not going to be easy. I'm sure by the time I get all of the painting done, I'll be sick of painting for a really, really long time.


I'll have a month to get it done instead of just a week. I can take a day off here and there for other things. 

I'm excited to do this. Our home needs color. 

It's time.

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