Monday, August 17, 2020

And, It's Time To Begin Our Next Big Bodacious DIY Project


Lisa and I put the final touches on our Bodacious DIY entertainment center after breakfast yesterday. We moved the piece to its permanent place in the living room. Lisa put the TV on top and hooked everything up. We sat on the sofa for a bit. Amusingly watching our kids checking out their new nappy nook space. Gave each other a high five. Then, it was onto the second big project.

Since last month, we've been collecting table legs and old ceiling fans because we want to make large decorative dragonflies for our backyard fence, garage, and front yard

Something like this, but more colorful and detailed.

Thanks to the help from Uncle Bob, Carolyn, and Tina, we are able to do this. They donated old ceiling fans and the pieces for the body.

We are exceptionally grateful.

Lisa went to Lowe's the other day and got a half dozen pots of sample paints. She chose the perfect colors that will pop. Not too bright. Not too muted. 

Lisa has an impeccable eye for color.

She spent a few hours in her woodshop taking apart ceiling fans and table legs, sanding them down, and bringing them upstairs. 

My goal was to get all of them primed and painted and detailed this week so Lisa can put them together this weekend. 


I don't think that's going to happen. 

This is a big project that requires lots and lots and lots of steps. 

I have to allow for dry time and everything else I do on a daily basis. 

I'm not beating myself up over this because this is a project I don't want to rush or do a shitty job with. It's not a custom order. It's a project we're doing for us and our yards. 

There is no rush. 

I'm only one day into this project, but I'm having fun and getting super excited. Which is refreshing because I just went through and got over a creative schlump hurdle

My Bodacious DIY Dog Mom Workshop is back in full swing. I have this enormous project that I'm working on and lots more lined up. This means a couple of extra tables for all of the pieces, but the workshop is big so it's all good.

In addition, we've already made plans to conquer all of the interior painting in the fall. We're at the point of putting some colors on the table. 

Stay tuned...

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