Thursday, February 27, 2020

Unpacking Is Just As Emotional As Packing. It's Just A Different Kind Of Emotional.

A week ago yesterday, we officially became homeowners. We were beyond excited. After over a month of paperwork and waiting, and all of the stress that goes with buying a house, it finally happened. 

Our Big Move was on Saturday. I've spent all of this week unpacking while Lisa is at work. Most of the boxes and totes are in (what's going to be) our home office. I've made a small dent. The majority of the unpacking and decorating will happen next week when Lisa is on vacation.

Yes, I said vacation. It's not something that was planned. Definitely last minute. But, the opportunity presented itself and Lisa scooped up that week. 

Amid the process of unpacking, I realized it's just as emotional as packing however, it's a completely different realm of emotions.

When I packed all of our belongings in the weeks prior to closing on our house, there was a lot of sadness. It was the end of an almost 8 year chapter. 

We were leaving a home that we had occupied for almost 8 years. We were leaving the only home our kids have known since they joined our family. We were leaving a neighborhood that we established ourselves in. We were leaving our neighbor friends. 

Some of those neighbor friends had become family to us. 

We were leaving what was familiar and safe. We were leaving what we had built and maintained. We were leaving rituality. 

During the process of unpacking this week, it was just as emotional, but this time around, I was excited, a little nervous, proud, and relieved.

What I didn't expect was to feel a little empowered.

Okay, so maybe more than a little.

That empowerment stemmed from the "cherry on top of the sundae" that happened twice in November. And, the conversations and decisions that Lisa and I made the week after that proverbial sundae. Those decisions were in the best interest of our family all the way around.

It also came from our decision to stay focused and to keep our distance from a select couple of individuals who were causing the disruptions and drama. 

And peacefully coming to terms that life changes. People change. You get to that pivotal moment when you realize you've got to do something because if you don't, you'll have to go through what you did a few years ago. And, this time around, you might not be so lucky.

We took a leap of faith.

The Universe shifted. 

Did those lil' shimmy shakes.

The Universe and dear ol' Fate knew it was time.

In the months prior, they doled out a huge amount of signs.

That included those ugly moments.

Even Lisa's vacation is an empowering moment because for the first time in many years, she's taking a vacation that does not revolve around renovations, painting projects, house and pet sitting, etc. 

She's taking a vacation to

To enjoy our new house.

To get settled in.

To begin our new chapter...

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