Wednesday, January 24, 2018

My Latest DIY Dog Mom Project Piece Made Me...Cry.

Over the weekend, Lisa built the DIY Indoor Dog House that Lobo wanted for his 3 Year Gotcha Day. He wanted an indoor dog house that Coco, Sophie, Willa, and himself could enjoy. Last week, Lisa drafted up some sketches. Over the weekend, between scrap and purchased wood, those sketches became a reality. Lisa brought the DIY Indoor Dog House upstairs and put it on the table. From that point on, it was up to me to bring it to life. So, that's what I did.

I made 4 DIY Dog Mom Project wood decor pieces. Lisa cut out 2 wooden dog bones for the outside and 2 rectangular pieces for the inside.

The wooden dog bones Lisa cut out were used to make pieces for the outside of the DIY Indoor Dog House.

I decided to use the 2 rectangular pieces to create a photo collage. I painted and distressed the 2 pieces. Then, I went through all of the photos I have of the kids. The largest of the rectangular pieces I used to showcase each of the kids. I found photos that best highlighted their personalities.

Coco loves his chew toys and bones. The only time that he's unaware of me taking photos of him is when he's chewing on one or the other.

Sophie loves to curl up in her blankets and most of the time, she buries herself underneath. When she wakes up, she has a pile of blankets on top of her head.

Lobo is the most photogenic. Last year for his Gotcha Day, he wanted me to crochet him a Gotcha Day hat. I did.

Willa is curious and responds to my voice. If I ask her a question, she'll tilt her head and flop her ears.

I captured all of this in the 4 photos I included in the biggest of the 2 rectangular pieces.

I use CVS online to order and print photos. They're super cheap and the photos come out incredibly well. I opt for the one-hour prints. Lisa picks them up on the way home from work. The CVS store is less than 5 minutes down the road from us.

On the way home from work today, Lisa picked up the photos. I was able to finish up both pieces for the inside of the DIY Indoor Dog House.

As I finished this piece, I got teary-eyed.

Really. Really. Teary. Eyed. 

This DIY Dog Mom Project piece captured each of our kids and radiated their personalities.

It tugged at my heartstrings.

I had a Kleenex moment.

The other DIY Dog Mom Project piece for the inside of the DIY Indoor Dog House is smaller and features a photo of all 4 of our kids. 

So, there I was. At the kitchen table. Having a Dog Mom Moment.


Lisa was in the kitchen too doing a few dishes.

I blamed my tears on allergies.

Then, I realized, I didn't have to do that.

And, this is where I need to back up a bit.

I cry a lot.

I'm sensitive.

I cry during movies, TV shows, sentiments during special occasions, or when my brain goes down a reflective path.

I cry at stuff I see on my social media streams about rescued pups.

Shortly before making the decision to expand our family each and every time, I've cried.

Sometimes, my inability to control my tears during all of the above and then some is embarrassing to me.

Because, when I was growing up, crying was a sign of weakness.

So, since then, I try to mask my tears.

I'll blame allergies.

I will literally tilt my head in various directions to keep the tears welled up in my eyes so they won't stream down my face.

True story. 


In my own home, I've stopped doing that.

I no longer blame allergies or play a warped game of Twister to keep the water contained to my eyeballs.

I simply just shed tears.

And, that's okay.

No one judges.

So, when I finished this particular DIY Dog Mom Project piece for the inside of the DIY Indoor Dog House and cried, that was okay.

I let it happen.

One tear after the other.

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