Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Our Store Bought List Got A Little Shorter Today...

If you've kept up with this blog or you're a friend on my personal Facebook page, you are well aware that I've been spending a lot more time in the kitchen over the past few years. My goal has been to cross more items off our "store-bought" list such as bread, pizza crust, pie crust, spaghetti sauce, ice cream, salad dressing, marinades, tortillas, etc. So far, it has been a success. However, I'm still working on it.

One of the items remaining on the list was Perogies. Lisa and I love Perogies, but we very seldom have them for dinner because I'm ashamed that, up until today, we bought them. At the store. Frozen.

The topic of Perogies came up the other day when I asked Lisa what she wanted for dinner for the upcoming week.

"We haven't had Perogies in a long time. How about those?"

I thought, "Sure."

But, frozen, store-bought Perogies never made it to the grocery list.

I was too ashamed.

Today, I was determined to change that.

I did some research.

Made the dough.

Whipped up our favorite filling.

Created Perogies.


Sauteed the Perogies in butter infused with fresh herbs.

On the way home from work when Lisa asked what we were having for dinner.

"Perogies and fresh sauteed vegetables."

Lisa took a sip of her iced coffee.

"Where did you get Perogies? I didn't buy any when I went grocery shopping."

I may have puffed my chest out a bit and sucked a little Wife pride air between my teeth.

"I made them."


"For real?"


I could tell she was impressed.

"I can't wait to eat dinner tonight!"

Fast forward to a couple of hours later.

We both agreed that we will never buy store bought Perogies again.

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