Saturday, January 12, 2019

More Lessons. More Wisdom.

On Saturday and Sunday mornings, Lisa and I get to enjoy our morning coffee together. We're usually up before 7 a.m. To us, because we have 4 kids, that's sleeping in. During that time, we sit in the living room. Lisa sits on the reclining chair. I sit on the sofa. We usually dive into lengthy conversations.

This morning, Lisa knew that something was chomping at my nerves.

She was right.

After taking a few sips of coffee, she asked, "Okay...tell me. I know you've got something brewing in that brain of yours."

I did.

After taking another sip of coffee, I shared a story with Lisa that I've probably shared many times before in the past, but she still listened inquisitively.

As if she had never heard this story before...

"When my parents bought our family home on Pine Street in 1980, I was 7 years old. One of the first neighbors to welcome us was an elderly couple, Mr. and Mrs. Clark. They lived in the house next to ours. A sweet couple. From that day forward, and for many years, I would visit them frequently especially during school vacations. 

Mr. Clark was always tucked away in his office. He was working on a book. Mrs. Clark spent her days hand sewing quilts and baking. She looked forward to my visits. She always put aside scrap pieces of fabric. She is the one who taught me how to sew. Often times, I'd bring over my Barbie Dolls and make clothes for them. 

When she baked, I'd watch her. She'd share her baking secrets with me. 

What I remember the most about those visits back then are 2 things...

The first...her stories. Mrs. Clark shared an abundance of history including what things were like back when she was a little girl to when she and her husband met. She shared the struggles, the great moments, the messes, and everything between. 

The second...the education. Mrs. Clark showed me how to make a lot of stuff whether it be pie crust or a patchwork pillow. By the time I was in the middle school, Home Economics was a cinch and I passed with all A's. I attribute that to Mrs. Clark."

Lisa took a sip of her coffee.

"Okay, I know you've got more..."

Lisa knows me well because I certainly did.

The conversation to follow was not only lengthy, but it was also personal...

I will share the highlights...

1. You're never too old or too wise to learn stuff. Until the day you take your last breath, you'll be learning. From your elders. I learned a lot over the past few days. I have no shame in admitting that. I'll even go a step further and admit that I could listen to our elders for hours. Talking about life, lessons, wisdom, etc.

2. You have the time. You're never too busy to take a few minutes to check in on those you love. Whether it's making a batch of homemade chicken noodle soup to deliver or having a cup of coffee with them, there is always time. Always. Always. Always.

3. "Let me know if you need anything" is not valid. Seriously? Most people who are in the situation of needing a bit of assistance, regardless of what form, won't ask for help. So, this statement is a total cop out for...just doing it. For example, if someone you know and love just had surgery and they're not eating and such. Well, make them one of their favorite meals and visit and have coffee with them. If someone you know is sick, make them their favorite soup or meal. Often times, that's the best therapy.

4. Get your teen/young adult off their ass. They are the ones who need the Elder Education the most. If they have an abundance of time on their hands, they should be doing volunteer work or visiting their elders. Contributing to society. The greater good. Sure, they may hear things that they don't want to hear, but...that's just the tip of the iceberg on what this generation needs. There is no excuse as to why they can't be doing great stuff for those in need or spreading random acts of kindness.

That is all.

For now...

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