Tuesday and Wednesday are a complete blur. I spent both days on the sofa with a fever, aches, chills, dizziness, and feeling extremely weak. My only accomplishments for those 2 days was taking care of our kids, showering, walking from the living room to the bathroom, and making breakfast and packing Lisa's lunch for work. That's it. For the remainder of the time, I snuggled and slept on the sofa with our kids.
When Lisa got home from work on both days, she tackled housework, kept up with laundry, prepped meals for our kids, and got takeout for our dinner.
It was Lisa's turn to give me THE LOOK while pointing to the sofa and telling me to park my ass.
This morning, I woke up at 3:30 a.m. feeling a bit human. No dizziness or weakness. No fever. No chills or aches. Just massive congestion.
Lisa warned me to take it easy. She knew I was fed up with being knocked on my ass by this nasty sickness. I was determined to be productive today.
I'm stubborn. Just like her.
It wasn't just the stubbornness that fueled my perseverance today.
We have a massive winter storm moving in over the weekend.
It's one of those "we'll see what happens when it happens" type of storms.
But regardless of the course of the storm...
We're going to have a mix of heavy wet snow, ice, sleet, wind, and rain.
Then, after the storm, the temperature is going to dip between 10-25 BELOW zero.
They're calling for widespread power outages.
I don't mess around with these storms.
Losing power when it's 10-25 BELOW zero will be completely miserable.
Any precipitation on the ground is going to flash freeze.
We began our prep today. Lisa made a quick stop at the grocery store on the way home from work.
Tomorrow, I'll be baking homemade dog treats for our kids, cooking extra meat for their meals, making a batch of chicken and egg salad and jam for sandwiches for Lisa and myself, and baking quick breads and cookies.
We'll be getting every stitch of housework and laundry completed by Saturday afternoon.
We've got batteries and bottled water.
Lots of warm blankets.
At this point, it doesn't matter how Lisa and myself are feeling.
We're Dog Moms.
When bad weather is predicted, we prepare.
That's what we're doing.
And what we will continue to do.
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