Sunday, May 20, 2018

What Do BLT Sandwiches And Electrical Tape Have In Common?

We lived on takeout last week with the exception of Monday when Lisa cooked hamburgers on the grill. Our home was in total disarray all week. To keep the kids from getting too stressed, we cleared out one room at a time while painting. In our attempts to keep a sense of normalcy, the kitchen was the chosen room to be the dumping grounds.

As you can see, meal prep and cooking was not an option. We had cooked lots of extra boneless chicken breasts and veggies for the kids. When we ran out, I utilized our crockpot and rice cooker. For Lisa and I, we had sandwiches for lunch and takeout for dinner.

On Friday, I put my foot down and told Lisa that I would paint the kitchen and bathroom and finish the new, functional DIY Dog Mom Project room next week. We spent the rest of the day putting the home office, living room, and bedroom back together.

Yesterday, Lisa stripped the kitchen so it would be ready for me to starting painting on Monday. Afterward, she ran a couple of errands. On the way home, she stopped and picked up a few groceries. Because our kitchen was stripped, I was limited to what I could make, but at least we weren't reliant on takeout.

Takeout is great once in a while, but for almost an entire week. Nope. Yuck. 

Once the groceries were put away, we sat on the sofa for a bit, exhaled, and admired the work we had accomplished over the past week.

We decided to have an early dinner. The both of us were craving hearty BLT sandwiches. Lisa cooked the bacon and I sliced the veggies.

That's when it happened. My not-so-graceful moment.

I was slicing tomatoes with our good chef's knife. I was probably too enthusiastic about being able to prep a meal and eating fresh produce.

Sliced tomatoes with salt and pepper are one of my favorites. 

The cut was pretty bad. I almost severed off the top portion of my thumb above the nail.

And, of course, because all of the kitchen stuff is in the new DIY Dog Mom Project room, we couldn't find the surgical tape.

I grabbed the only roll of tape I could find.

Electrical tape.

Whatever works, right?

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