Saturday, June 10, 2017

I Need To Make At Least 4 More DIY Doggy Beds. Soon. Very Soon.

Our kids are allowed on the furniture and our bed. In addition to all of those comfy spots, they also have 4 doggy beds and a doggy nook lounge area. Out of those 4 doggy beds, 2 are store bought and 2 are DIY Dog Mom Project creations. There are plenty of soft, comfy spots to go around. We could have 12 kids and there would still be more than enough. However, as of late, they all seem to want the same spot at the same time.

These spots vary. 

If Coco is stretched out on the DIY Platform Bed we made last summer, the other 3 kids want to be on that same bed.

If Lobo is napping in the kitchen doggy bed, Willa and Sophie want to nap there too.

When we have family snuggle time on the sofa, all the kids want to curl up on the leg rest when I recline the sofa.

The list goes on.

It's actually funny to watch the kids when this all happens.

And, it's become obvious we need more doggy beds.

Not just any doggy beds.

We need to make more DIY Dog Mom Project Doggy Beds.

The store bought doggy beds we have are older. The maroon one we bought for Coco almost 4 years ago. The other one was given to us when Lobo joined our family 2 1/2 years ago.

Both of these doggy beds have seen better days. They've been peed and puked on a few times. We've done our best to spot wash them in the tub.

They're not washable. We tried that once. Epic fail.

We have 1 Pet Pillow left out of 3. Our kids love the handmade Pet Pillows (made by friends). They wash and dry well, but after the 5th or 6th wash, the stuffing inside separates and balls up.

So far, we've had the best luck with the 2 DIY Doggy Beds we've made.

The first DIY Doggy Bed we made was in September of 2016. I had a vision. I sketched it out. We made a trip to Home Depot. The rest, as they say, is history.

The second DIY Doggy Bed we made was in January of this year to celebrate Lobo's 2 year Gotcha Day. We repurposed our entertainment center. You can view the before and after photos here. That was a cool project.

In no way, shape, or form, am I favoring our DIY Doggy Beds to put us on a pedestal or brag. My intent is simply to highlight that by going down the path of DIY, we've been able to customize the doggy beds we've made to suit our family's needs.

In other words...

The mattresses I made for each of these doggy beds are washable. I used a sturdy fabric that will withstand wear and tear.

Willa likes to chew and pull the stuffing out of the 2 store bought doggy beds and Pet Pillow. Coco does the same on occasion. However, with the 2 DIY Doggy Beds we made, she hasn't done that.

The filling I used won't separate and ball up.

I also make washable quilts and blankets that are big enough to wrap around the mattress.

The pillows are also washable.

And all of the washables fit into our washer and dryer.

As it stands now, the 2 store bought doggy beds and Pet Pillows are close to being retired to the trash.

I need to make at least 4 more DIY Doggy Beds. Soon. As in the next month.

Several of those doggy beds will be put in the kitchen. The kids like to lounge in the kitchen when I'm cooking, baking, and working on DIY Dog Mom Projects at the table. The time I spend in the kitchen will be increasing during the day.

We'll have to move a few things around to make room for those.

I'd like to put a couple of these DIY Doggy Beds in the living room.

This is all on my lengthy to-do list.

That to-do list has exceeded the length of a CVS receipt.

As always, I'll keep you posted...

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