Thursday, February 4, 2016

Valentine's Day Fundraiser. Work. Daily Stuff. And Wine.

A couple of weeks ago (give or take a few days), a wonderful lady from Kenway's Cause reached out asking if we'd be interested in doing a Valentine's Day fundraiser for them. Last year, we did a small fundraiser for this organization to raise money to purchase rawhide bones for the Hartford shelter pups. And, over the past year and a half,  we've sent them lots of Bodacious Biscuit Love. We adore this organization and and they've done a world of good stuff for the pups and kitties in need.

When asked to do a Valentine's Day fundraiser, we said, "Yes, of course!"

I honestly had no idea how this fundraiser would do. In the past we've done quite a few for various local animal shelters. We've raised money to purchase food, treats, blankets, toys, assist with medical expenses, etc. Some fundraisers have done exceptionally well. A few haven't done that great. The rest linger in the middle.

The event page was created on Facebook (not by me) and everything was put into play. The official day of the "Smooches For Pooches" launch was January 25th. It started slow, but then it picked up. Yesterday I was questioning whether or not we should have put a cap on the amount of Valentine's Day biscuits we had to offer.

Keep in mind the biscuits are baked in our home. We have a conventional oven. One tray is baked at a time. Baking time is close to a half hour. Mass production does not happen here.

Things eventually slowed down. I exhaled, but that wasn't before I realized I would have to bake for almost 4 days straight. In addition to the fundraiser, we have 3 displays to stock up and biscuit love to spread to some local animal shelters.

On top of that, I'd have to put an entire afternoon aside to swizzle biscuits. This involves making a mixture of melted white chips and peanut butter, adding that to a quart sized zip bag, cutting the tip off, drizzling biscuits with this mixture and adding festive Valentine's Day sprinkles. It sounds easy, and it is, but it's time consuming.

That's where I'm at now. Figuring out how many medium hearts. large hearts, and bone shaped biscuits I'll have to make and bake.

This will change. The deadline to order isn't until February 7th. And I always bake extra just in case.

Deciding what chunk of Tuesday I want to dedicate to swizzling.

Then, packaging. Making boxes. Packing boxes.

Ship Wednesday.

Deliver Thursday and Friday.

The more I think about it, the more I realize it's going to be non-stop all week between the fundraiser, work and usual daily stuff.

I'm going to need wine. Lots of wine.

I'm not complaining. It's all for a good cause. The money raised will help the shelter animals. That in itself makes it all worth it.

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