Last week proved to be tumultuous. To refresh your memory, the above photo depicts my physical, emotional and metal state by that Friday. With one exception. I wasn't topless. I recovered over the weekend. Yesterday, I sent an email virtually throwing in the white flag. I wasn't the best writer to fit the position. It pained me. I don't like to decline work that fits into my already crazy schedule. However, I wanted to be honest and upfront. Once the email was sent, I felt a bit of relief. I fully expected a thank-you-anyway reply. Or none at all.
That's not exactly what happened.
I received an email later that afternoon. It began with this.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, aw c'mon...can you tell I don't want you to stop writing for me? ;-) In all seriousness, I get it and I appreciate your candor. Now will you please reconsider? I really enjoyed working with you in that short period of time and was looking forward to collaborating more. The work was solid and I think you'd do exceptionally well on the subject if you found your groove. I'm not looking to do SEO stuffing, because the number one rule for SEO is to get it shared and no one will do that if there's nothing of substance. I want good writing first.
And ended with this.
So, what do you say? Can we get a call in? Maybe it's the way I did the brainstorming this time? Maybe it's the suggestion of a series? Maybe you should have led with what you found interesting? Lets get a call in before you completely give up on it. Can you talk this afternoon?
Today, we had our meeting. It was quite possibly one of the best meetings I've ever had.
Keep in mind, I've been in my profession for almost a decade and have had several hundred meetings.
When two writer's have a meeting of the minds, it's a beautiful thing. They get it. All angles. The mind of a writer. The respect.Our quirky habits and perspective. The sideways view of the world. In my freelance world, this very seldom happens. The universe shifted a bit. A sloppy tango. Humble. An opportunity I've waited quite some time for. Compatible with work-at-home and biscuit love life. I'm feeling slightly euphoric. Confident. Motivated. Grateful.
As it stands, not only will I be writing one article a week, That may increase. I'll also be assisting with the Collegiate Writer's Program. I get to work with college students and guide them down the path of successful writing.
I'm excited. Best of all, it fits nicely into my work-at-home-dog-Mom schedule and Bodacious Biscuit Love. That's a number one priority for our family. No business travel involved. Maybe a few scattered meetings here and there. Calls from the college students when they have questions. A few extra hours doing research for articles.
I've got this.
I needed this.
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