Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Change Can Be Scary, But...


The first week of January. Of this year. We made a massive change. Lisa bid farewell to the company she had worked at for over 20 years. This was kind of a big deal. However, how everything transpired was a blessing in disguise. For so many reasons. 

To back up a bit...

It was in 2017 when Lisa accepted a position in management. In mid-2018, she transferred to another department. During the Summer of 2020, she was promoted to manager. She accepted the position. Mid-shift which entailed working 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. 

I was so proud of her. She was excited. The only downfall was that she was responsible for covering the first shift or second shift if those managers called out, took days off, or were on vacation. 


Some weeks, Lisa would work 11 to 7 or the first shift or second shift. 

It sucked. 

We never knew what our schedule would be from week to week to week. 


In January 2021, Lisa took the management position of the second shift in her departments. It was not ideal. However, at least we could adjust to a single schedule. 

Or, so we thought. 

Lisa had to be there an hour early. And, had to be there at least an hour later to finish up the paperwork. 

What did this mean for us? 

Lisa left for work around 2:30 p.m. 

We never knew what time she would return home. 

On goods nights, far and few between, she would be home around 1 a.m. 

Most nights, as time went on, she wouldn't get home until 2 or 3 in the morning. 

Sometimes later. 

What did this mean for us? 

I would prep brunches the night before for us to eat at noon.

I would pack leftovers for Lisa to have for dinner at work. 

When Lisa left for work, I would be home alone with our furry kids for 12+ hours. 

Most nights, when she thought she would get out on time, it didn't happen. 

Because of this or that or this or that.

The only days during the week that we got to enjoy eating dinners together, or having family snuggle time on the sofa, were Saturday and Sunday. 

On Saturday, Lisa was so exhausted that she could barely function. 

On Sunday, it wasn't much better. 

The only time she was actually "here" was 3 or 4 days after if she was able to get a long weekend or vacation. 

And, seriously, this is just the tip of the iceberg. 

Did I already mention that? 

I will throw in a few other things...

Lisa's stress level was through the roof. 

It affected her health and well-being. 

And, lots more. 

We knew months before that we needed to make changes. Lisa talked about looking for another job. One that she could work at until retirement. 


We didn't. 

Instead, the Universe shifted. Did lots and lots of shimmy shakes. 

Lisa bid her farewell. 

The original plan was for her to take a few months off to research companies, apply, and see what was out there. 

She did just that. 


An incredible opportunity presented itself. It was from the company that Lisa most wanted to work at. A company that has been on our radar for over 10 years. For their generosity. The exceptional ways they treat their employees. The benefits. Etc. 

Lisa accepted the position. 

She was nervous on the first day. New company. Starting over after working for the previous company for over 20 years. 

After the first day, Lisa was fine. In the days and weeks to follow, we both noticed a world of difference from less stress and long hours to friendly people and working for a company that values its employees. 

One of the biggest things that I absolutely love is that Lisa is on the first shift. She is home for dinner every evening. We get to have family snuggle time after dinner. 


On her 2 days off, she's not falling asleep at the table while eating breakfast or is unable to function. She has energy and is enthusiastic about getting indoor and outdoor projects done around the house. 

At the end of the day, yeah. Change is scary. It is a long walk from your comfort zone. However. It is sometimes for the best. 

We can attest to that...

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