Wednesday, November 18, 2020

We Need A Bigger Dog Bed For Our Home Office


Over the years, we've made a lot of dog beds for our kids. They all came with us when we moved into the house we bought in February. We have dog beds in almost every room including the huge entertainment center we made complete with a nappy nook for our kids in August. 

Our house is much larger than the home we rented for almost 8 years. Our kids usually scatter throughout the house during the afternoon to find their comfy spot to take a nap.

Sometimes, they're each in a different room. Other times, 2 of our kids will snuggle together while the other 2 are in different rooms. 

This afternoon, this happened in our home office.

It's the first time 3 of our kids have napped together in a single bed.

And, it made me realize that we need to make a larger bed for our home office.

Another Bodacious DIY Dog Mom project that I can add to our list...

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