Saturday, July 11, 2020

We Had To Improvise This Year For Sweet Mama's Birthday

Let me introduce Sweet Mama. Her 86th birthday was yesterday. She is the Mom of a dear friend of ours...a lady from our old neighborhood. For the past couple of years, Lisa and I have kidnapped Sweet Mama for the day around her birthday. We take her to the Christmas Tree Shop and then out to lunch at her favorite restaurant. Olive Garden.

Unfortunately, we were not able to do that this year because of COVID-19. In the weeks prior to her birthday, Lisa and I discussed what we could do instead that was special.

After tossing around a few ideas, we decided to invite our dear friend and Sweet Mama over for a scrumptious Italian dinner. They accepted our invite almost immediately.

I made a small batch of my homemade spaghetti sauce and used it for a big pan of lasagna. To go with our lasagna, I kneaded dough, sauteed fresh garlic, and made fresh buttery garlic knots. For dessert, birthday cupcakes.

Homemade double chocolate cheesecake cupcakes.

Sweet Mama had a fabulous time and she enjoyed everything.

Even an adult beverage.

We ate and talked and laughed.

We told Sweet Mama that if COVID-19 is a thing of the past next Summer, we'd restart our tradition of the Christmas Tree Shop and Olive Garden.


For the time being, we made do and had a fantastic time.

Happy Birthday, Sweet Mama!

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