Wednesday, June 12, 2019

This Will Always Be My Favorite Magnet

Over the years, we've done quite a bit of house and pet sitting for our neighbor friends. Most of the time, they have brought us really cool magnets from their travels. Our refrigerator is decorated with all of them. They have turned our bland refrigerator into a vibrant and interesting kitchen piece. On a few occasions, people have been quite impressed with "all the places we've traveled to." Well, that's until we inform them that 95% of the magnets were gifts. 

It has become a standing joke between Lisa and me.

Of all the magnets on our refrigerator, this is my favorite. It falls into that tiny 5% that we actually purchased. In 2013. At either the Brooklyn or Woodstock Fair.

When we purchased this magnet, Coco was our only child.

Now, we have 4.

And yes, they ALL have their 2 Moms wrapped around their cute little paws.

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