Saturday, June 17, 2017

Work Hard. Play Hard. And, Bitchin' Broccoli Balls.

Things have been crazy. Busy. Hectic. I'm trying to catch up on stuff. Tackle my many To-Do lists. Get a grip. Get stuff to the point where it's manageable. So far, so good. Between all of this, I'm learning to take breaks. Unwind. Exhale. Learn how to balance the concept of work hard and play hard. Today, I did just that and it all revolved around my Bitchin' Broccoli Balls.

Our sweet friend Kim, who has become family, posted a video recipe for Broccoli Balls. Like with most recipes, I view, fast forward to the initial finished product, and tweak the recipe. This all happens in my brain before I make it. Over the past week, we've been talking about these Broccoli Balls.

Today, I had to make them.

Had. To.

I was craving them.

So, I did.

I sent a photo of the uncooked and tweaked Broccoli Balls to Kim moments before I put them in the oven.

Within a few minutes, we had a date.

A half hour later, we were all sitting around our table enjoying my Bitchin' Broccoli Balls, munchies, wine, and lots of conversation and laughs.

Spontaneity at its best.

That's been happening a lot.

We're loving it.

Our kids are loving it too.

The neighbor friends who have become family love our kids.

They're loving all of the extra attention from their Aunties and Uncles.

Life. Is. Good.

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