Willa has her first appointment with the doctor tomorrow. I always hate that "first" visit to the doctor...the one made shortly after our family gets a little bigger. She's getting UTD on vaccinations, a full exam, a slew of tests, including fecal, and a nail trim. And yes, when Lisa takes Willa outside at 3:45 a.m. tomorrow morning, she'll be collecting poop in a Ziploc bag. In addition, the doctor will also determine if and when she's fully out of heat and give us a safe time frame of when we can schedule the surgery to get her spayed.
I'm always a bundle of nerves the day of the first post-adoption doctor appointment. You'd think I'd have this mastered by now, but...nope.
With all of our fur-kids, there has always been some "surprise news."
Coco, who joined our family almost 5 years ago, was in poor shape. We had no idea of the extent. After his initial doctors appointment, we learned he had Sarcoptic mites and mange, a severe case of Giardia, a double ear infection, and a flea saliva allergy.
Sophie had a minor digestive issue that was corrected with a change in diet and probiotics. But, that wasn't before she had an episode and had to be on prescription Proviable-KP.
Lobo was diagnosed with Lyme Disease a week after we adopted him. This was after the surgery to amputate one of his hind legs. And, between the surgery and Lyme Disease diagnosis, it was determined that he had sustained an injury to his remaining hind leg. It had gone untreated so the mobility in his single hind leg is very limited.
During Olivia's appointment with the doctor, we discovered she has a small growth on her foot that we have to monitor. If it gets bigger, it'll need to be removed.
I expect the same with Willa.
Inhale slowly.
Exhale slowly.
As always, we've got this.
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