Monday, March 27, 2017

...And Now, We Wait For The Fecal Test Results

Willa had her first appointment with the doctor today. I was a bundle of nerves. With all of our kids, during their first doctors appointment, there's always been a not-so-pleasant surprise or two. So far, in the 3 weeks Willa has been with us, we haven't noticed anything major that's health related, but there are a couple of concerns.

Last week she was scratching at her ears and when I took a peek inside, they smelled a little yeasty. The other concern are her stools. On and off they've been soft and, at times, runny. Too soft for our comfort level. We've since pulled back on transitioning her to the same meals we feed Coco, Sophie, and Lobo.

During her visit, Willa got up to date on her vaccinations, a full exam, a slew of tests, including fecal, and a nail trim. Lisa said she did extremely well and the staff adored her.

All the tests came back negative for heart worm, Lyme Disease, etc.

Lisa expressed the concerns we had. The doctor checked Willa's ears thoroughly. She said her ears looked beautiful. No smell. No redness. Nothing.

The stools, well, we have to wait for the test results to come back.

Lisa explained that we're transitioning her to homemade meals. The same goes for treats. Over the weekend, she had a few of our homemade peanut butter treats. We also had company over and she had been given a few shreds of mozzarella cheese. Her stools immediately became runny.

This morning her stools were still soft.

We'll know more tomorrow.

Until then, Willa got a clean bill of health. And, the doctor said she's almost out of heat. We can start the countdown to her spay on April 1st.

Happy dance!

I'll keep you posted on the rest.

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