Sunday, July 5, 2020

Our First 4th Of July In Our New House Was Rather Fabulous

Our 3 day 4th of July weekend is wrapped up. We hunkered down. Grocery shopping and errands were done before Friday. We tackled small projects inside and outside. It was fantastic. We fired up the grill Friday, Saturday, and this evening for dinner. A friend of ours, who lives down the street, joined us for dinner and drinks Friday and Saturday.

It was our first 4th of July at the house we bought in February. In the years prior, we always hunkered down because our kids are terrified of fireworks. However, one of our neighbor friends always had a 4th of July party. It was the next house after ours. We had a full view of our home.

We always attended the party for a few hours during the day.

We were invited this year, but we live almost 15 minutes away now. That may not seem like a lot of time, but over the past couple of weekends, people who lived close by started their weekend festivities early in the afternoon.

We heard quite a bit of crackles and booms. 

Our kids are terrified of fireworks, crackles, booms, thunder, and rain pelting against the windows when it's windy.

In addition, we never leave the air conditioners on when we are not home.

Long story short...

It was  90+ degrees.

Hazy. Hot. Humid.

The threat of storms all weekend.

Plus lots of noise.

We were not going to leave our kids home alone at any point throughout the day and evening.

And, we didn't.

It got loud at times, especially last night.

But, our house is super insulated. It drowns out the sound.

We also had a couple of air conditioners on.

Our kids did well.

Lisa, our friend, our kids, and I had a fantastic time all weekend.

The first 4th of July in our new house was quite spectacular.

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