Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Tomorrow Begins Our 5 Day Staycation...

This will probably be one of the shortest blog columns I've ever written. Why? Because I have a ton of stuff to get done in a relatively short period of time. Why? Because Lisa has the next 5 days off. Yes. A mini staycation. After the long hours she has been working since March, I couldn't be more excited. Why?


The kids and I miss her.

We have a ton of supplies that we need to stock up on to make our 2019 Bodacious Fall Pieces.

And, lots of work to do in Lisa's woodshop and my workshop.

We're about 2 weeks behind.

And, we have some date nights to catch up on.

And, having Lisa home means that we can do everything at our own pace because when Lisa takes vacation days, there is no schedule except for the kid's schedule.

I have a surprise for Lisa too that will be happening on Friday.



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