Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Birdhouses Weather In Time. That Adds To Their Beauty And Charm.

Over the weekend, Lisa made a few more Bodacious DIY Birdhouses. I worked my magic in the Bodacious DIY Dog Mom Project Workshop. Today, I posted the finished birdhouses. Within 2 hours, they sold out.

I absolutely adore the Bodacious DIY Birdhouses that we've made. I'm not just saying that because we made them. I just simply adore vibrant, handcrafted birdhouses.

Decades ago, I used to attend the big Craft Show at Gunstock in New Hampshire. A couple of vendors sold elaborate birdhouses. They sold for well over $50. Some of them sold for close to $200.

Although I admire the time consuming craftsmanship that went into those high-end birdhouses, they're not something I would put outdoors for birds.


Birdhouses fade with time. It doesn't matter what paint or varnish you use.

They age with time. Wear and tear.

Which adds to the beauty and charm.

The birds do their own thing.

They're often covered in bird shit while occupied.

Once occupied, that's a continuous thing.

The Bodacious DIY Birdhouses that we create are simple. Year after year after year, they'll weather and age.

The varnish we use will protect from weather elements, but like with everything else that is kept outdoors all of the time, that'll fade too.

That will also add to the beauty.

I'm reminded of a garden sign that a dear friend of ours bought us a couple of years ago.

When she gave it to us, it was in pristine condition.

Now, it looks slightly weathered.

We love it just as much today as we did when our dear friend gave it to us.

We've always embraced Wabi Sabi.

That won't be changing anytime soon.

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