Monday, February 11, 2019

I Knew This Week Was Coming...

I have prepared myself for this week. For a bit now. I know saying that is right up there with Vague-Booking It, but...there are some things better left unsaid. Details that are better left not mentioned. For so many reasons. And it goes well beyond sharing the messy stuff.

What I will say is this...

I'm fairly certain this will be another week that Lisa and myself will live and learn.

Become wiser.

Know where we stand with certain people.

Experience a few growing pains that will contribute to making additional changes this year.

Make more lists.

Be disappointed with those we've always been there for.

And embrace several of our mantras including...

"Don't mistake our kindness for weakness"


"Don't underestimate me because I'm quiet. I know more than I say, think more than I speak, and observe more than you know."


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