Thursday, September 28, 2017

Crazy Dogs Live Here. Do Not Knock. I Will Yell.

Throughout the Summer months, people kept posting a doggy themed sign that I fell in love with. It said, "Crazy dogs live here. Do not knock. They will bark. I will yell. Shit will get real. Text if you know me. Absolutely no solicitors." I posted the sign on the Our Bodacious Dog Mom Life Facebook wall. The photo was accompanied with a mention that I wanted to make one of these signs for our door. People replied expressing interest in these signs. I asked what color. They replied.

A month later, after finishing up a month and a half long project for a client, I got started on these signs. Lisa cut the wood down to size. She made sure the signs would fit in the brown boxes we use to ship a lot of the DIY Dog Mom Projects in. We didn't want to run into the problem of not having boxes big enough.

Been there. Done that. It's not fun. 

I made a sample piece and attempted to fit all of the text on the sign. It looked horrible. The text was much too small. I then tried "Crazy dogs live here. Do not knock. They will bark. I will yell. Shit will get real." I could have fit all of the text on the sign, but I wouldn't have been able to add pawprints.

The final product was 2 pawprints and text that read, "Crazy dogs live here. Do not knock. I will yell. Shit will get real."

I decided to omit "they will bark" for several reasons...

It's a given that if you have crazy dogs, they're going to bark if someone knocks on the door.

Even if your dogs aren't crazy, they're still going to bark if someone knocks on the door.

When someone knocks on the door and your dogs start barking, why would you yell at them?

Are you really yelling at your dogs for doing what they're supposed to be doing? Or, are you yelling at the person knocking on the door because they've disturbed your peace?

In our bodacious world, our friends text before they show up at the door and knock. They know it's a process for us to answer the door and it takes several minutes.

It's much easier to text and wait a few minutes for the "okay, all set" reply than it is to not text and have to wait at the door. 

If someone is knocking at our door, we want our kids to bark because it's someone we either don't know well or a stranger.

And, I'm going to probably yell and swear. Not at the kids, but at the person knocking on the door. They've disturbed our peace. We've had to stop what we're doing.

I want the person knocking on the door to hear me yell and swear. I want them to know there had better be a good reason why they're knocking at our door.

Valid reasons would include but are not limited to, offering me free wine, a large sum of money, real Columbian coffee, wood, or fresh produce.

That's why I left "they will bark" out.

Five out of the six people who requested signs were okay with the shortened version.

I made a bigger and heavier sign for the person who wasn't. She lives close by and it was a pick-up. She's a wonderful lady who we've known for several years.

The original sign she didn't want is sitting in our biscuit/craft room.


I may just keep it and hang it in the back hallway.

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