When Willa joined our family on March 2nd of this year, she was in full blown heat. A few weeks later, during her initial visit to the veterinarian for her shots and check up, we learned she was about a week away from being fully out of heat. From that point, the best route was to wait 3 months before getting her spayed. Today was the day.
Lisa took her early this morning. I was a weepy mess. I don't like it when our kids have to be left at the hospital for any length of time. The last time we had to do that was when Sophie had oral surgery a couple of years ago.
I worked at my desk for most of the morning. It was weird not having Willa here. I missed playing fetch with her. Lobo missed her too. He paced each room looking for her. When he needed a rest, he stretched out at my feet and gave me the look of, "Mommy, where is my Willa?"
I wanted to cry.
Lisa left around 2 to pick Willa up from the hospital. Alex went with her. She did incredibly well and sat in the back with a very groggy Willa.
In the meantime, shortly after Lisa left, we got a bad storm. Lights flickered. We kept losing power for a minute or two. The windows rattled. I was worried about their commute to and from the hospital, but they only hit rain on the way to and from.
The skies cleared, but another storm rolled in. When Lisa pulled into the driveway, it was pouring buckets and the lightning was very close. Lisa ended up backing our vehicle to the side door. I held a plastic tote cover over Willa so she wouldn't get wet.
I've since added, "buy an umbrella" to my lengthy to do list.
Willa was not happy about having to wear a cone. She was groggy and afraid. Lisa laid with her on the floor for about an hour.
A little while later, we set up the large fence like gate in the home office. It covered most of the free space except for a path from the door to my desk. We covered the floor with washable pee pads, a doggy bed, lots of blankets, and put her food and water dish inside.
She hated it, but this was going to be her living space for the next week.
Lobo sat beside of the gate for the longest time after we got Willa set up in her temporary living quarters. Periodically, he checks on her.
I miss our lil' Willa. Even though she's home, she's confined. I miss the games of fetch, her shenanigans, the juicy kisses, the snuggles, and sharing my ice cubes with her.
It's going to be a long week.
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