Lisa had a work event to attend today. A banquet. Food. Drink. Door prizes. An afternoon of fun. I was almost able to go, but today begins our long 3 1/2 week-long stretch of pup and house sitting for several of our neighbor friends. The banquet was held out of state, in Rhode Island, almost an hour away. It's too far away and we would have been gone too long. So, I stayed home.
And, that's okay.
I knew Lisa felt bad because I had to stay behind, but I reassured her that it was more than okay. It's not the first time this has happened and it won't be the last. This is how it is when you're Dog Moms to 4 kids and 2 of those kids can't be left home alone for more than 2-3 hours...and you're pet and house sitting.
I don't even view it as "being left behind."
While Lisa was gone, I caught up on work stuff, housework, and other miscellaneous things I had fallen behind on. It felt good to get stuff done. I don't like starting a new week with a ton of things to catch up on from the week prior.
I took frequent breaks to play with our kids. They were exceptionally playful today. I also spent time with our fur-nephew giving him lots of belly rubs and snuggles.
Lisa returned home from her event with gifts. Real maple syrup and the BEST fried clams. She also had a special gift from my non-sexual man crush. Red wine. It was a token of gratitude for all the sweet treats and the occasional lunch I make for him.
By non-sexual, I totally mean on the SAME level as my Penelope-Garcia- and-Spencer-Reed-Criminal-Minds-crush. As in...I'd love to have a conversation with you over wine or beer or whatever. I'd like to hear your story. Your perception of the you tilt your head looking at it sideways.
I had a smile on my face from ear to ear as I poured a glass of wine, stuck my finger in the maple syrup container for a taste, and munched on some friend clams.
Not once, when I've had to stay home with the kids because of inclement weather or when the journey is too far and too long, have I ever felt like I'm being left behind. This is our life. We happen to love it. We've made a lot of sacrifices. One of those sacrifices is what happened today. Lisa goes. I stay home.
And while gifts are not needed to compensate for days like today, it's always a sweet surprise. I appreciate those tokens of gratitude. The just-because gifts.
I love real maple syrup. I love friend clams. I love wine.
It was a great day.
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