Wednesday, January 27, 2016

David Lynn Krieger Restored My Faith In Humanity

Last month, a story was featured on the BarkPost site about David Lynn Krieger. He's the man who was fatally shot after confronting someone in a parking lot who was beating his dog. You can read the full story here.

This was the first time I had come across a story about a confrontation ending in a fatality. I've read about people assaulting another when confronted or destroying property, but nothing even remotely close to pulling out a gun and shooting.

While the story produced tear stains down my face, it was also difficult to digest. 

I thought about the many times I have spoken up. Gone face to face with several neglectful dog parents. I've had a couple of close calls.

Lisa came to mind. I know if she saw someone beating a dog she would confront them without hesitation.

I think back to last summer when I witnessed a man punching his dog. It was at an event. A couple of Animal Control Officers were present. I was one of many who had witnessed this man punch his dog. Not once. Not twice. Three times.

I can't even begin to describe the rage that flowed through my body or the pivotal moment when I had to make a decision. Confront the man or run and grab one of the ACO's. I chose the latter. The situation was addressed and taken care of immediately.

This is where I pause a bit. Things get a little tangled in the web of uncertainty. 

After I had reported the man to one of the ACO's, and the situation was handled, at least a dozen people thanked me for reacting as quick as I did. While people thanked me, all I could think was, "You saw this happening and you just stood there. You watched. You did nothing."

What stopped me from verbalizing this was, to an extent, I understood their hesitancy. In this day and age, people have a genuine fear of speaking up and out. There's a roadblock. People fear consequences.

"If I speak up and do something, what will happen?"

I'm guessing other people in the parking lot witnessed Roy Thompson kicking his dog. However, like so many others, they kept on walking. Turned a blind eye. What do you say? What do you do? How do you confront an angry man who's brutally kicking his dog?

Then, David Lynn Krieger sees this and immediately steps in. He is shot twice. The consequences of David stepping in and doing something about it ended in his life being cut short.

Here is the point where I question several things...

Do the people who walked by and did nothing think, "I'm glad I minded my own business because I could have been the one to die."

Do stories like this persuade the masses to turn their heads and do nothing?

Or, does a story like this bring about awareness?

For me, and I can only speak for myself, it inspires me. While deeply saddened by the outcome of this story, it restores my faith in humanity. The Davids of this world still exist. I witness this each and every day. The phenomenal humans who are out there speaking up. The humans who dedicate their lives to rescuing animals who are at the mercy of shitty humans.

The humans, like us, and so many others, who live by the creed, "Big hearts, empty wallets."

And, it instills my belief that we are their voice. Speak up. Speak loud. Don't just walk away. If you see something, say something.

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