In 2013, we were gifted a dozen farm fresh eggs from one of our neighbor friends. It was the first time in my entire life that I had farm-fresh eggs at my disposal. Lisa, on the other hand, had these regularly when she was growing up.
I was apprehensive.
Up until that point, I had only eaten and baked with store bought eggs.
Lisa was excited.
"Farm fresh eggs are the best. I haven't had them in years."
I made a face.
"I've never eaten one."
I'm fairly certain Lisa was a bit shocked.
The following morning, I made Lisa a breakfast sandwich before heading off to work. I used the store bought eggs.
"Why didn't you use the fresh eggs we got yesterday?"
"I was afraid to crack one open?"
"Because I was afraid that there would be body parts and blood."
Lisa laughed.
Not at me. But with me. Because I was giggling as I described the fear of cracking open an egg that was filled with extras.
I decided to get over that psychological fear. Slowly. Baby steps.
What that translates to is that I used the eggs for baking.
A year or so later, another one of our neighbor friends decided to get some chickens. We enjoyed visiting with them and saving our fruit and vegetable scraps for them.
When they started laying, we were eventually gifted a dozen eggs.
I decided to take a few more baby steps one afternoon. I made a batch of egg salad. Lisa and I had plans to walk the beach one Friday evening after she got out of work followed by a picnic dinner.
I made the egg salad and was immediately repulsed.
It had a fairly strong odor
I had Lisa smell it when she got home from work. Her face wrinkled up. Yep. Fish.
We ended up grabbing grinders at our favorite place and headed out for our early evening date.
After a little research, I learned that the eggs I used for the egg salad were not spoiled. The fishy odor is more than likely due to nutrigenetics. It's a combination stemming from a diet high in canola meal and/or eggs from brown-shelled egg-laying hens.
I have absolutely no experience in this area so I was completely reliant on any information leading to the source of my fishy smelling egg salad.
After that, I was done. I would only use farm fresh eggs that were gifted to us for baking. That's it. I was not budging.
Eventually, both neighbor friends decided to rehome their chickens.
It wasn't until last year during the COVID-19 pandemic that farm fresh eggs made an appearance back in our life. We were desperate. The grocery store shelves were empty. We needed eggs to make homemade dog treats for our kids and baked goods for Lisa's lunches.
A friend of ours provided us with plenty of farm-fresh eggs. During that time we only used them for baking treats and baked goods. We did not use them to make scrambled eggs, omelets, or breakfast sandwiches.
When the grocery store shelves returned to normal and eggs were readily available, it was perfect timing. We had used the last of the farm fresh eggs from our friend.
Earlier this year, a sweet lady that Lisa works with mentioned that she had almost 2 dozen chickens. They were all laying. Would we like some fresh eggs? Lisa said yes. Offered to pay. The sweet lady declined payment.
The eggs were absolutely gorgeous. All different sizes and shapes and colors. To extend our gratitude, I baked cookies for her.
In the months to follow, she has gifted us lots of eggs every other week. I bake lots of treats for her and the family. We also started saving our fruit and vegetable scraps for their chickens and pigs.
The most notable thing to happen out of all of this is...
One evening, a couple of months ago, I decided to get over the psychological hurdle of cracking open a less than desirable egg and fishy eggs.
I made a batch of egg salad using the farm fresh eggs. I even made a couple of extra hard boiled eggs for snacks.
Those eggs were the best eggs I have ever eaten in my entire life. Fresh. Creamy. Delicious.
Since then, I have used her farm fresh eggs for breakfast sandwiches, omelets, scrambled eggs, egg salad, hard boiled eggs, etc.
We don't buy eggs from the store any longer.
I also don't keep the eggs she gives us in the cartons. We officially have an egg bowl. Those beauties need their own space in the fridge.
I will happily bake for this woman's family and save every single scrap of fresh produce for her chickens and pigs.
We certainly do not take her generosity for granted. We continue to offer payment for the eggs. She declines.
We are completely grateful to this woman and her sweet family and we are enjoying each and every egg whether it's used for baking, cooking, or for a delicious batch of scrambled eggs.
Our kids love them too.
I'm a changed woman.
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