Saturday, November 28, 2020

Let's All Spread Some Holiday Love And Cheer


I mentioned in a couple of blog columns that this year, we're doing it a bit differently. We will NOT be selling our handcrafted Bodacious Holiday ornaments. We will NOT be taking custom orders. We will NOT be selling ANYTHING. 

INSTEAD, we will be gifting our Holiday ornaments and pieces and packages to some hardworking essential employees and beyond during the month of December. Because. This year more than ever, it's all about spreading some Holiday love and cheer.

When I posted the original announcement, someone responded. I replied. However. When I tried to post my reply, I wasn't able to. They had deleted their response.

Lisa and I know this person.

I reached out to them.

We have kind of gathered that they have had a difficult time since March with COVID-19. Over the months, we have extended some sweet kindness in their direction.

After a few exchanges, I let this person know that we would be honored to make their personalized Holiday pieces this year. Our gift to them.

This is the response I received...

"I’m so excited I thought I wasn’t going to get us one this year I just work too much and my husband just went back to work after a year so it’s tight."

I am not posting this for a pat on the back or recognition.

I am posting this to hopefully inspire people.

This year has been a shit year for a lot of people for so many reasons. 

COVID-19 had a lot to do with that.

I'm going to be 47 next month. 

Lisa is 52. 

We have never experienced what we experienced this year because of COVID-19 and beyond.

In our lifetime, we heard stories from our grandparents and great-grandparents about the great depressions, recessions, plagues, etc.

Did we ever think in our life that we would have to wear a face mask in public? Have a shortage of paper products? Not be able to buy simple items like flour and yeast and sugar? 

And everything between?


It goes way beyond that.

For us. 

For everyone.

My posts are to inspire people to do what they can. 

To just care for one another.

It doesn't have to be grande or cost a fortune.

It can be something new or used.

A simple batch of homemade muffins or cookies.

Over the past few weeks, I have seen a lot of these posts on my social media streams...

"What is one thing you NEED that you cannot afford right now? Let’s check and see what others say. Maybe you have it and don’t need it or have a connection to get it. (I saw this on another community page and it was amazing some of the kindness that was shown.) Have a great week!

No SELLING if you’re offering something on here to someone it means you’re GIVING it to them for FREE!

Let’s all spread some cheer!"

The responses have been overwhelming!

I have also seen many social media posts from people who have extra food or Holiday meal baskets for those in need. Or gift cards. Or toys and Christmas decorations.

It's incredible!

Again, it doesn't have to be new or expensive.

On our end, we are very excited to be focusing on spreading Holiday love and cheer instead of selling our Bodacious DIY Dog Mom Holiday pieces.

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