Sunday, September 8, 2019

Chaos. Kindness. Dozens Of Cupcakes. And, One Of The Best Days Ever!

It is late. I'm exhausted. I had no intention of writing a blog column this evening. However. After the last couple of days, I could not put off sharing the story of the past 48 hours...

A few weeks ago, we were invited to a surprise 50th birthday party for a special lady that we know. Her husband was planning it. We've known this couple for over 4 years. They're incredible people with big hearts and generous souls. They radiate positive energy. They've always supported us in our mission to provide items for our local animal shelters and pet parents in need.

I made the offer to make cupcakes for the event. Twice. I received a reply. Mr. A would let me know the following day. I didn't hear anything. That was fine.

Honestly, it was.

Not everyone prefers cupcakes for a special celebration. Some people prefer a gigantic cake. Or perhaps another type of dessert.

Late Friday afternoon, I reached out to Mr. A for the address of where the surprise birthday party would be held. I was sent a link to the party site that included the address.


The million-dollar question.

Would it be possible for me to make cupcakes for 75 people?

Normally, I would have said, "No..."


We absolutely adore this family for so many reasons. In addition, Mr. A told us that our sweet friend from out of town who was visiting today was more than welcomed to join in the festivities.

Long story short, I told Mr. A that we'd have 100 gourmet cupcakes ready for him to pick up on Sunday at 1 p.m.

Friday evening, Lisa and I sat in the living room and discussed cupcake flavors. We wanted to go over the top but at the same time, offer flavors that were both simple, seasonal, and the birthday girl's favorite.

Late morning yesterday, we made a list of ingredients and Lisa ventured out to shop for them while I stayed home and got some work done.

My method is to bake the cupcakes the night before and make the frosting the day of.

I busted ass to get work stuff done before I started baking.

My goal was to start baking around 3-ish.

At 3:15, it happened.

We didn't crawl into bed until 11 p.m. last night.

This morning, we were both up at 6 a.m.

The goal was to have all of the cupcakes finished, on a platter, and wrapped by 11 a.m.

We did it!

I honestly could have not done this without Lisa.

Whom I have notably nicknamed "My Favorite Sous Chef."

We made 5 different flavors.

Funky Monkey - A brown butter banana cupcake topped with vanilla buttercream frosting, chocolate ganache drizzle, and sweetened banana chips.

Pumpkin - A cinnamon pumpkin cupcake topped with cinnamon cream cheese frosting and a homemade cinnamon cookie.

The Chocoholic - A milk chocolate cupcake topped with a deep chocolate buttercream frosting, chocolate ganache drizzle, and a homemade chocolate cookie half.

Raspberry Cheesecake - A vanilla cupcake loaded with fresh raspberries and topped with vanilla cream cheese frosting and a graham cracker with white chocolate drizzle.

Cookies-N-Cream - A milk chocolate cupcake with Oreo center bits topped with a cookies-n-cream buttercream frosting and an Oreo cookie on top.

After a quick shower, I made a couple of appetizers for when our sweet friend arrived. 

The cupcakes were picked up.

After munchies and a couple of adult beverages, we headed to the surprise birthday party.

I'll be honest, we didn't know what to expect. The party was at a country club. We didn't know anyone else who attended.

I'll admit that I was a bit nervous.

But, that didn't last long.

Hands down, this was one of the best parties we have ever attended.

Mr. A put a whole lot of love into this surprise 50th birthday party for his wife and that radiated.

Everything from the atmosphere and band (Red Light) to the food and drinks was phenomenal.

There was so much positive energy and love in those rooms.

And gratitude.

There was no judgment.

No cliques.

People danced and sang.

Hugged and kissed.

Total greatness.

We stayed until the end.

Lisa and I danced to Red Light's rendition of 'Purple Rain.'

On the drive home and after we got home, we were both exhilarated.

Thank you so much to Mr. A for including us in this wonderful celebration of life.

Thank you so much to our sweet friend who traveled a great length to visit us and accompany us to the party.

This is one day that we will never forget.

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