The world lost a really great human earlier today. I'm not posting this for condolences and such. BUT, as a reminder to us all. Because, we're all human and in this day and age, we seem to get caught up in that cycle of "being too busy."
Dan was quite remarkable in so many ways. He marched to the beat of his own drum, but at the same time, managed to inspire thousands. Including myself. He gave his heart and soul to his community, stood strong in what he believed, loved unconditionally, enjoyed the simplicity of life, had a great deal of respect to humans and animals and the Earth, and had the biggest of hearts.
He always took the time to extend random acts of kindness and belt out his voice to what he was passionate about. Dan always had time. Always. And, during the last couple of weeks of his life, he radiated all of the above and kept a sense of humor.
Instead of the condolences and "sorry for your loss" posts, I ask for one thing. Take a step back. Take a peek from the outside looking in. Don't use "busy" as an excuse. Make time for your loved ones and focus on what you're passionate about.
Life. Is. Short.
Life. Is. Short.
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