On occasion, a dear friend of ours will send a box of goodies. Or, when she and the hubs visit, they'll bring a big bag or box of goodies. The boxes usually contain dog apparel, dog toys, balls, dental chews, leashes, collars, etc. The unwritten message for these boxes is, "Keep what you want and need, find homes for the rest." Receiving these boxes is a big event in our home. We always open the boxes at the kitchen table. Our kids, regardless of what they're doing, run to the kitchen, tails wagging.
We use the contents of these goody boxes to make our Bodacious Care Packages for pet parents in need and to hand out to those we know who have rescue pups. On occasion, like last month, we put together bags and boxes for a local animal shelter. Nothing has ever gone unused. These goody boxes have helped us out tremendously.
Yesterday, we received a box o' goodies. Much needed as our stash is running very low because we made quite a few Bodacious Care Packages over the holiday season. And, we've got a list of pet parents who are in need of items or adopting a rescue pup.
Lisa carried the box to the kitchen table. The kids came running. They knew. The box contained lots of toys and apparel.
Our kids were very excited. They think everything is for them. Each and every time, we have to explain that the contents of the box are for pet parents in need and for special rescue pups who have found their fur-ever home.
Meanwhile, Willa is our only kid who is able and willing to jump on the kitchen chairs and table. Coco and Sophie could, but...they don't. Lobo, who only has 1 hind leg, is unable to.
This particular box contained a couple of sturdy rubber studded balls and play ring. Those are Willa's favorite toys. She's quick to swipe them. Our friend has witnessed her determination several times. It's always worthy of a good laugh.
Willa was running around playing with her new fetch balls. Our other 3 kids sat there. Waiting. Tails wagging.
"Mom, what's in there for us...?"
I felt bad. There was nothing. I had to explain to them again what the contents of the box were for. Eventually, they lost interest.
Lisa left a few minutes later. She had to tend to something at work. While she was gone, Willa played with her new fetch toys. Coco stretched out on the sofa watching. Lobo laid his head on my right foot while I completed some desk work. Sophie curled up in the DIY indoor dog house. She kept giving me THE LOOK.
They all were giving me a guilt trip.
I sent Lisa a text with a request to call me when her work stuff was done.
She did.
"On the way home, can you stop at that place down the street where we get the natural chew bones for the kids?"
"Sure, what's the occasion?"
"Coco, Sophie, and Lobo have been moping since you left. They don't understand why Willa got something out of the box, but they didn't. I tried to explain it to them several times, but you know how that goes."
"How many do you want me to get?"
"Why four? Willa got fetch toys. She'll be playing with those while we give Coco, Sophie, and Lobo a chew bone."
"It doesn't work that way. If we give Coco, Sophie, and Lobo a new chew bone, Willa will want one too. If there's not one for her, she'll mope."
"Ahhhh...gotcha. I didn't think of that."
On the way home, Lisa picked up 4 natural chew bones.
Once home, she unwrapped them and put them in the box of goodies that was still sitting on the kitchen table.
The kids thought we had received a new box of goodies. They ran to the kitchen, tails wagging, running around all excited.
One by one, Lisa pulled out a chew bone. Coco. Sophie. Lobo. Willa.
Happy kids.
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