Saturday, November 19, 2016

Our Unconventional "Us" Weekends Are Quite Unimpressive

Yesterday, a neighbor friend asked what we were doing this weekend. I told them we're having an "us" weekend. They immediately replied, "Oh, that's wonderful! What are your big plans? Where are you going? What are you doing?" I always feel like I'm taking a pee in their Cheerios with my response. Their smile weakens. The excitement on their face drops.

"I'm catching up on work stuff and blog posts. Baking biscuit love. Housework. Organizing and restocking our Bodacious Biscuit Love Bin. Running a few errands. And, later tonight we'll order takeout, compliments of Pam E., put up our Christmas tree and have family snuggle time on the sofa with some Netflix. Weather permitting, we may visit our favorite flea market."

Yep. Welcome to our unconventional "us" weekends.

These are the weekends when we have no plans with anyone else. There are no time sensitive projects to be done. We get up early. Enjoy our first cup of coffee in the living room with the kids. Chat. Do things at our own pace. Be silly. Exhale. Put the rest of the world on mute.

Our "us" weekend don't include big plans like concerts, an evening out, dancing our asses off at a club, or enjoying the nightlife in some big city. We usually don't go anywhere. The rundown on our "us" weekend activities won't impress the masses.

Our unconventional "us" weekend are much needed.

When we're able to have one, I look forward to it all week.

I count the days.

By the time Sunday evening rolls along, I feel refreshed. Like I got a ton of stuff done.

I can exhale.

It's my therapy.

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