Saturday, February 27, 2016

Mom Is Home And The Kids Are Happy

This was the scene five minutes after Lisa arrived home from her overnight trip to New Hampshire. To back up a bit, I dozed off around 1 a.m. Coco was sound asleep in our bed. Sophie and Lobo stayed on the sofa with me. I dozed off after reading a few chapters in my book. Around 3 in the morning, Lobo woke me up. He was nudging my hand because he wanted me to hold him. After we got all situated, and Sophie moved closer, we fell back to sleep.

Coco refused to eat breakfast. Sophie ate in the living room. Lobo wouldn't eat from his bowl. I had to hand feed him again.

Lisa arrived home early afternoon. They were napping soundly, but heard the vehicle door shut. All three were waiting at the door barking and wagging their tails. Lisa had quite the welcome home committee. She put everything she was carrying on the floor and table and made her way into the living room. Seconds after she at down, the kids jumped on her.

I sat on the chair sporting a smile from one ear to the other. The kids were so happy to see her. Of course, Coco was a little dramatic. Sophie gave me the look because I had the camera in hand. Lobo filled her in on how they had to sit through 2 chick flicks last night.

Oh, the life.

After about 15 minutes, Mom being home was "old news." Coco went back to bed. Sophie situated her blankets in the doggy bed to hunker down for her afternoon nap. Lobo...well, he barked and ran around the house with his "Stinky Baby" in his mouth.

And, once Lisa had brought everything inside, she handed me a bag, gave me a kiss, and said, "This is for you. Thank you for holding the fort down and taking care of our babies like you do."

Local New Hampshire wine. A mason jar wine glass.

She knows me well.

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