Wednesday, July 18, 2018

We Got Slammed With Sickness, But We're On The Mend...

On Saturday, I had a lot of congestion. I was certain it was allergies. I doubled up on allergy medicine and a dose of DayQuil. It was enough to ease the symptoms so I could enjoy Sweet Mama's birthday party. My head still felt like a beach ball, but we had a blast. We swam, had pizza for dinner, enjoyed the cupcakes I made and Sweet Mama loved the quilt we made for her birthday.

By Sunday morning, my throat and ear were killing me. That evening, I had the worst sore throat and earache that I've ever had in my entire life. I immediately started my usual antibiotic regimen. I did not want to get sick like I had back in May.

I attempted to do a little work on Monday, but the pain in my throat and ear were severe. Enough to send me to the sofa. I took ibuprofen for the pain and DayQuil for the minor congestion.

Yesterday afternoon, my fever spiked to a little over 103. Shortly after dinner, I crashed on the sofa. I woke up long enough to watch a show with Lisa and our kids. Then, I fell back to sleep.

I'm feeling a lot better today. The antibiotic is working. My fever broke. The pain in my throat and ear is easing up. I'm on the mend.

Lisa stayed home from work today. After a trip to the doctor, she's on antibiotics too. I put my foot down and was firm that she rested all day. She didn't put up much of a resistance.

I didn't think she would. 

I'm hoping the antibiotic works for her as it did for me.

And yep, this is another moment when we're keeping our fingers and paws crossed.

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