Tuesday, May 16, 2017

We're In The Process Of Designing Sophie's 3 Year Gotcha Day Gift

Out of all of our kids, Sophie is the most sensitive and afraid of flashing lights, thunderstorms, loud noises, and any sounds emanating from 4th of July festivities. Since Sophie joined our family in June of 2014, we haven't seen a single fireworks display and we've stayed home the weekend before, during, and after the 4th of July. And, we make sure she's not home alone if there are thunderstorms nearby or in the forecast.

Most of the time, when any of the above happens, one of us holds her as she shakes fiercely. Other times, Sophie finds refuge behind the sofa, under one of the end tables in the living room, or under the nightstands in our bedroom. If the storm, or other noises, last for too long, she'll curl up and eventually fall asleep in one of these locations. On the floor.

I hate that. 

Our kids are allowed on the sofa, chairs, our bed, and the love seat in the home office. All furniture. There's also several doggy beds scattered throughout our home. Our bedroom. The kitchen. And, 2 in the living room. All of these comfy locations are fully loaded with soft doggy throw blankets and pillows.

What this all boils down to is that our kids never sprawl out to nap on the carpet or linoleum floor. When Sophie falls asleep on the floor when loud noises last too long, I am flooded with Dog Mom guilt.

Creating a solution has plagued my brain for the past few weeks. After discussing a few ideas with Lisa, I'm almost certain we've come up with something.

This year, for Sophie's 3 Year Gotcha Day, we're going to make a couple of Sophie's Safety Zone doggy beds. They'll fit in her 2 favorite spots. I'm not quite sure how we'll design these pieces, but what I do know is they'll provide a comfortable space under one of the end tables in the living room and under my nightstand in the bedroom.

We've got a little over a month to do this.

I'll keep you posted...

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